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Sysview Install ENU - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. CA Sysview Installation. The common driver for a. DWM100x project template This is project template with systemview and rtt logging features for all Decawave tags/nodes except ttk-1000. Simply add (or ever symlink) your projects to examples folder and decawave driver folder to root folder. To: CA SYSVIEW® Performance Management (SYSVIEW) Customer. From: The CA Technologies SYSVIEW Product Team. Subject: Introducing Incremental Release Program for CA SYSVIEW 15.0 INC00. On behalf of CA Technologies, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality, innovative software and services. Pre-Con Education: CA SYSVIEW® Technical Deep Dive: New Enhancement and Best Practices for Mainframe Performance Management 1. Pre-Con Education: CA SYSVIEW® Technical Deep Dive: New Enhancement and Best Practices for Mainframe Performance Management Greg Shiver Mainframe CA Technologies Product Owner MFX24E #CAWorld 2.

SEGGER SystemView is a real-time recording and visualization toolthat reveals the true runtime behavior of an application. To enableSystemView, follow the instructions below.

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Configuring SmartSnippets™ Studio projects to support SystemView:

To enable SystemView for a specific build configuration of any SmartSnippets™ Studioproject, configure the project to build SystemView’s source files andinclude header file directories:

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  1. Select a project which has the OS_FREERTOS definition enabled.Bare metal projects are currently not supported.
  2. Right click project’s “sdk” subfolder and go to New->Folder
  1. In the pop-up window select: Advanced->'Linktoalternatelocation'->Browse… and select the<sdk_root_directory>/sdk/middleware/segger_tools folder asshown in Figure 94.

Figure 94 Select the Linker Folder

  1. Right click project’s name and go to Properties->C/C++Build->Settings->ToolSettings->CrossARMCCompiler->Includes->IncludePaths(see Figure 95), add the following Workspace folders and click apply:




  1. Open the project’s config/custom_config_*.h file and add Code 44 to add and enable the System View configuration:


that configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE should be increased by``dg_configSYSTEMVIEW_STACK_OVERHEAD`` bytes for each system task. For example, if there are 8 system tasks, configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE should be increased by: (8 * dg_configSYSTEMVIEW_STACK_OVERHEAD) bytes.

  1. To call SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf() from application add Code 45. A goodplace to do this is inside system_init() after the configuration ofsystem clocks:
  1. Build and download the application image to DA1468x. Then run theapplication either by pressing the Reset Button (Release Build) or bystart debugging the application.
  2. To disable SystemView, set dg_configSYSTEMVIEW to 0 and rebuild theapplication.

Running SystemView on the Host:

  1. Start the Segger System View application from SmartSnippets™.

Figure 96 System Viewer application

  1. Configure the SEGGER System View as shown in Figure 97.


that the address for the RTT Control Block Detection is locatedin application’s .map file. For example, for PXP reporter the .mapfile is located at pxp_reporter/DA14681-01-Release_QSPI. PressCtrl+F and search the address of the _SEGGER_RTT variable.

  1. On the main SystemView window, press the upper right “Start RecordingButton” button.
  1. One can Stop and Restart the recording at any time using the buttonsfrom SystemView PC Application.

Additional information:

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  1. The processing overhead of SystemView is not negligible and canpotentially affect system dynamics or cause assertions due to thedelays inserted from ISR monitoring. To minimize the impact on timecritical ISRs there are some configuration options that allow theuser to enable/disable the monitoring of certain aspects of thesystem, as shown below:
  1. In applications with heavy IRQ usage it is possible that thecurrently used 2kb RTT buffer cannot hold all the monitored eventsand this may cause RTT overflows which simple means that some eventsare lost. The number of lost events is visible in the System View GUIRTT overflows property.

    To avoid this SEGGER suggest:

    • Minimize the interactions of the debugger with J-Link while thetarget is running. (i.e. disable live watches)
    • Select a higher interface speed in all instances connected to J-Link.(i.e. The debugger and System Viewer)
    • Choose a larger buffer for System View. (1 - 4 kByte)
    • Run System Viewer stand-alone without a debugger.
  2. System View uses sdk’s RTC, which is clocked by one of the LP clocks. For example, if the LP clock is XTAL32K each timer tic corresponds to ~31us. Events that last less than 30us will be visualized as events that last 31us.

  3. Application/Device name can be set inSEGGER_SYSVIEW_Config_FreeRTOS.cSYSVIEW_APP_NAME/SYSVIEW_DEVICE_NAME definitions. At the samefile function _cbSendSystemDesc() is located which sends commaseparated IRQ names to the Host PC. Because the internal used bufferis only 128 bytes, not all IRQs are named there. One could usemultiple SEGGER_SYSVIEW_SendSysDesc() calls to name all IRQs butthis means more processing requirements. It is recommended to leavejust one packet there.

  4. Memory overhead is 2Kb RAM for RTT buffers, 256 bytes heap for everythread, 256 bytes stack for the shared IRQ stack and ~5Kb rom.

  5. It is possible to redirect printf messages on SystemView’s host window:

    • if CONFIG_RETARGET is defined, messages go to UART
    • if CONFIG_RTT is defined, messages go to RTT
    • if CONFIG_NO_PRINT is defined, messages are discarded
    • If nothing of the above is defined, but the dg_configSYSTEMVIEW isenabled, messages go to System View’s GUI terminal.

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Currently System View supports only integer variables, so %s strings are not printed properly. printf using SystemView inserts delays (because of the temporary disabled IRQs) that may trigger assertions so it is not recommended to be used.